This new TRS-80 Computer is another "first" from the company which brought you the best-selling, world renowned TRS-80. A truly pocket-sized Computer (not a programmable calculator). Of course it is an ultra-powerful calculator too... And it "speaks" BASIC - - the most common computer language, and the easiest to learn. You'll soon be impressed by the phenomenal computing power of this hand-held TRS-80 - - ideal for mathematics, engineering and business application. |

For those who prefer hardcopy, the $149.00 Printer/Cassette Interface is superb. It is a miniature dot-matrix printer (not a thermal printer) as well as a Cassette Interface for data storage/retrieval.
Built-in rechargeable Ni-Cd batteries supplies power when the external power adapter is not being utilized. Unfortunately, the printer prints 16 characters-per-line, while the PC-1 display is 24 characters wide.
The TRS-80 PC-1 is the first-ever BASIC-programmable pocket-sized computer! It's actually the Sharp PC-1211, sold by Radio Shack in the US.
It takes deep-pockets to hold the PC-1, but not to buy one. Costing only $230, it was very portable and useful.

Larger and heavier (400g vs. 170g), it offers a more powerful BASIC and up to 8K RAM when using the RAM/ROM module slot on the back.
"Click" on the PC-2 for more information.

A new record in computer miniaturization, it is very slim and light, only 105g, or 3.8 oz.
"Click" on the PC-3 for more information.