What is BLOB?

BLOB stands for Binary Large OBject.

It is a collection of binary data stored as a single entity in a database management systems (DBMS). BLOBs are mainly used to hold multimedia objects such as images, videos, and sound.

Blobs can also be used to store programs or even fragments of code. But, all the DBMSs don't support BLOBs.


Would you like to display your own icon on the browser address bar and browser tabs when visitors view your web pages? You can do it using Favicons.
Favicon (pronounced fav-eye-con) is a feature that makes it possible to associate a special logo or other small graphic with a web page. Favicons are used to personalize or brand your web sites.
A favicon (short for favourites icon), also known as a website icon, or  URL icon,  is a 16×16 or 32×32 pixel square icon associated with a particular website or webpage.
Browsers normally show the favicon before the page's title on the tab as well as in the browser's address bar and next to the page's name in a list of bookmarks.
A web designer can create such an icon and install it into a website (or webpage) by several means, and most graphical web browsers will then make use of it. 
The favicon files have the extension .ico. We can even have the animated favicons with the extension .gif.
Microsoft was the first to introduce the favicon in Internet Explorer 4.

Blind Type : Accuracy in typing not required

BlindType compensates for typographical errors in realtime by estimating the intended key-presses on a virtual keyboard, simply with distances between two points on the screen – in effect, guessing what the user wanted to type.
According to BlindType, its typing tool is a revolutionary system that :
  • Eliminates touch typing frustrations
  • Allows for super sloppy typing
  • Helps you type easier and faster
  • Constantly adjusts to the user's "perceived" keyboard and typing style
  • Just type the way you are used to - no gestures, nothing new to learn!
Click here to know more.